Meet The Bethune's
We’re a family of 2 adults, 3 kids, and 4 dogs that’s been living in our 1983 Eagle Bus for almost 4 years now. We have grown individually, as a family, and a couple and we want to get vulnerable, share our lessons we’ve learned in our life, to help you feel less alone in yours.
On their second anniversary, Jenn and Kyle married in Las Vegas, Nevada and then called Dover, Florida home, where they began to build their foundation and raise their first son, Ethan. They would soon welcome their second son, Ben.
As they were building their loving family, tragedy struck just three days before Ethan’s seventh birthday. As the Bethune family was en route to Disney World with baby Ben and Ethan, to celebrate Ethan’s birthday, a fatal car accident killed Ethan, their oldest son. Although the divorce rate for couples that lose a child is over 90 percent, they vowed to take divorce out of the equation and make it work. As one can only begin to imagine, the couple began to place one foot in front of the other and most days their mental health was neglected. Kyle’s deep depression set in for six long years, from 2014-2019, and unhealthy coping mechanisms were not serving Jenn as she attempted to drown out the PTSD that she had developed. Nonetheless, they stuck together, acknowledging that what they had as a couple was both very beautiful and special.
In 2019, the family was residing in Valrico, FL and owned a successful pet grooming business. Over the years, the family had grown as they welcomed two more children, Molly and Eli, and four dogs; Theodore, Eloise, Kevin and Chico. They had all of the toys, the house, the cars, everything that one expects to provide happiness; however, they still felt empty.
As Jenn and Kyle stood in front of their freshly remodeled dreamhouse in Florida, unpacking their camper from a summer trip, Kyle looked at Jenn and said, “let’s sell it all, buy a vintage bus and go travel the country”. They had only discussed a full time nomadic lifestyle in the past. Jenn thought he might be crazy. She spent two weeks back at work as a pet stylist, and while shaving dog’s behinds, she found herself daydreaming about being at Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon. She approached Kyle and said, “let’s do it”. This leap of faith would change the trajectory of their lives.
In February of 2020, with no crystal ball that Covid would soon arrive, the Bethunes were ready to hit the road in a 1983 vintage Silver Eagle bus that they affectionately named, Blue Betty. Due to the restrictions that a pandemic doles out, the family parked Blue Betty on Kyle’s parents property, listed their house in Valrico and began a ‘practice’ run with full time bus life. They learned to live in a bus and immediately appreciated the quality time spent together.
In August of 2020, the family hit the road with plans to boondock in Colorado. They had never been west of Kentucky during previous summer trips. Kyle’s brother Stephen, a skilled nomad, came along in his bus and although the adventure had begun, the problems followed.
The Healing Journey
As the saying goes, wherever you go, there you are. The problems that Jenn and Kyle had yet to deal with came to light rather quickly while living in a small space. Jenn started individual therapy virtually with a phenomenal therapist that the couple still use today. Kyle saw the positive impact that the sessions began to have on Jenn and jumped onboard. Moving into the bus was proving to be a catalyst and therapy was beginning to provide the tools that the couple needed to navigate through their lives. Through both individual and couples therapy, they started to fill their mental toolbox.
Red, White and Bethune
What started off as the idea of creating content that follows an average all American family’s trips to Disney World, (inspired by their late son Ethan’s great love for Disney), began to change shape. They shifted directions and thought of showing America through their unique lens, and then Red, White and Bethune: Inspiring you to live a life that you love. Each change, even Your Hype Couple, brought a larger calling.
Finally, we’ve found a label that truly feels more aligned than anything we have had before. Welcome tooooooooo...............
Being Bethunes! Us being us, growing down the road with you.
Meet Jenn
Throughout my life, I’ve always known that we are meant for more. We are meant to give love and be loved. I never really fit in to the box that I was told I needed to reside in, I was always different.
It wasn’t until we moved into our bus that I discovered that it’s okay to be different. It’s okay to love with all your heart and at the end of the day, love being an individual.
Living 4 years in a bus traveling on the road, being a nomad, has completely transformed who we used to be. We were so consumed with material things when we lived in a traditional house. Before Buslife, we had no idea that time was the absolute greatest gift you can ever receive. Having this time with each other, I can’t even begin to formulate eloquent enough words to describe how beautiful these memories we’ve made, feels.
This life has helped me on the journey of becoming who I’m meant to be. So far I’ve learned, I am an empath, I believe that everyone should be kind above all else, crystals and stones make my heart smile, and I’ve become a pretty cool hippie. I am so thankful that you’re here

Meet Kyle
For as long as I can remember I have always loved the open road. I’ve always gotten a great thrill from being somewhere that I am not familiar with, where I know absolutely no one.
I’ve been very fortunate in my life to be able to travel a good deal.
I enjoy the outdoors, I am as comfortable scuba diving in the ocean as I am hiking the Rockies.
I have a fascination with bears, I have yet to see one in the wild in all of my travels. The fam LOVES to tease me about this fact.
I married my best friend and soul mate at a very young age. We have had 4 amazing kiddos on this journey!
When we made the leap of faith 4 years ago to sell everything we own, and leave behind everything we knew, I could have never guessed what was in store from me.
You would not recognize the person who started this life 4 years ago.
Thank you for being here!!

Meet the little Bethune’s
This kid was absolutely amazing in every way. I’ve always said I wanted to be like him when I grew up. He was fearless, empathetic, and compassionate. He never met a stranger and always made you feel loved & welcomed.
Sadly, he was killed in a car accident in September 2011, on our way to Disney 3 days before his 7th birthday. We keep him alive every single day in our hearts, preserving his memory. Ethan is a minor part of our journey and I may have given birth to him, but he gave me life.

Ben loves anime, video games, and building projects. He enjoys figuring out a mechanical problem and showing us how he did it. If he isn’t doing homeschool, he’s outside playing with new friends at whatever campground we’re at or hanging out on his PS5 with his best buddies. When Ben leaves the bus, he wants to become a pilot.

My mother always told me “I hope you have a daughter that’s just like you one day”…that absolutely came true, and We couldn’t be more proud. Molly is her own free spirit and loves who she is-inside and out. She loves to organize things, get messy, & paint. She’s one of the most thoughtful human beings, she’ll think of everyone and surprise them with little gifts. When she moves out of the bus, she wants to build her own van and travel as a Flight Attendant.

Eli is feral. He loves being barefoot, collecting rocks & sticks, and observing the tiniest of creatures in the wild. His dream is for a pet snake and begs for one at least twice a week. He’s an empathetic and tender hearted little human. He also has a temper if you push him too far. Really though, he’s the addition we never knew we needed and brings the spontaneity to our lives. Eli isn’t sure what he’s doing when he leaves the bus, and that's totally OK with us.